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Minimizza questa Categoria MIIVERSE NINTENDO ADD FRIENDS    
Hello, if you like to play in a private Wii U Splatoon Room, after che closing of Miiverse here you can find the way to add friends for play online with them.
It's easy! Just add the users Nintendo network ID that you find here in your WII U friend list, and write here wich is your nick name and your Nintendo network ID name, and that's all.
So the players can add your Nintendo network ID and give you their network id name to you, so you can play together.
The nintendo Network ID is not he nick name, but is the full Nintendo network id name in adding of your game nick name.
Write in this forum your ID, add the one of the other player and play together!
Ultima Discussione: Aggiungere amici senza MIIVERSE - WiiU Splatoon
1 1 26/07/2018
da: ADMINR Vai all'ultimo messaggio inserito
ADMINR, roberto  

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15 su un totale di 34 Utenti Registrati hanno inserito 1 messaggio in 1 forum, e l'ultimo messaggio è stato inserito il 26/07/2018 18:59:42 da: ADMINR.
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